Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Dona Flor and her Two Husbands – Jorge Amado

Probably the book that, more than any other, has made me reconsider my relation with magical realism. I read this after coming back from our honeymoon in Brazil, and my huge expectations were simply not met.  For the first hundred pages or so, the descriptions of the surreal daily life in the Pelourinho (Salvador’s historic centre) are funny and entertaining – but after more than four hundred pages this definitely grows old.

Vadinho is an interesting character, probably more so than the titular Dona Flor, but that’s simply not enough to carry a book of this size, and even his phantasmagorical apparitions become stale quite quickly. And it’s such a shame that I can’t appreciate the author of the books that were the first gift from my dad to my mom (and also, according to the former, the main reason why she agreed to go out with him in the first place). 

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