A book that I bought because I still had money to spend from this year's book allowance, and one that I bought only because I had just finished reading A Single Man and loved it.
As I read the first few pages I thought that it was reminding me so much of the movie Cabaret. Clearly the version I read didn't quite have the book cover above otherwise even I would have been able to understand the connection between the two a bit sooner!
Yet, for much that I liked the book (and I really did!), a couple of months have passed and now I can only remember vague passages and sensations, but the actual plot escapes me. And that is either a sign of early-onset dementia (a possibility), a demonstration of how many things I have going on at the moment (more likely, given also that we are expecting a second child in little more than a month by the way!), or it's possibly that the entertainment value of this book doesn't match its literary one.